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GMD Verdict  

Review of Titan Outpost
"Interesting map"
Map Name   Titan Outpost (caves2.bsp)
Map Author   Nervous-END-
Download (0.33mb)
Reviewer   NeoXS
Reviewed on   Mon Mar 6 05:41:27 2000


This was an interesting map designed by Nervous of End. It was a large map with some nice ideas, like a trapdoor, hidden walls, and multiple entrances. However, the map got too big sometimes, and too dark, mainly in the spider base. Its hard to see with both teams in there. There are some misaligned parts, but they are usually minor things. The door's textures are also messed up. Don't think that this is a crappy map, its only the first release of this map, so it will get better.

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Average rating for Titan Outpost: 4.3/10


Total: 24 ratings
Cube Cube Cube Cube

Comment: Kept with the gloom ambience.

Cube Cube Cube

Comment: Wide open spaces makes things cheeze, closed spaces make things cheeze. Sound when "hidden" doors open up make them less hidden.

Cube Cube Cube Cube

Comment: He didnt copy off anyone, a few new things like the trap doors and hidden doors.

Cube Cube Cube

Comment: A decent map.
This review has been read 2000 times. The Gloom Map Depository is copyright Team GMD. Quake2 is a registered trademark of Id Software. Gloom is copyright Team Reaction. The review script is copyright R1CH.