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GMD Verdict  

Review of MorE KarnagE
"Another cool map from KarnagE (R1CH senses a few flames)"
Map Name   MorE KarnagE (mk-full.bsp)
Map Version   2000-03-24
Map Author   KarnagE
Download (0.9mb)
Reviewer   R1CH
Reviewed on   Mon Apr 17 05:22:55 2000
This map earns the GMD Seal of Approval!

Well... my first game on MorE KarnagE was great. The balance was perfect, the humies almost had us at one point, then everything turned half way through the game as my stinger nuked a load of turrets... the humans started relocating around the map and it was a fun challenge trying to keep up with them. All in all a 57 minute game of which I enjoyed every minute of.


However, my next game wasn't so good. The spiders were rushed at the 5mins and lost at 6. Ditto for the next game. This isn't really the map's fault, it's more down to the players. If you can TRY to control your insatiable urge to rush (mentioning no names), then this map becomes something quite unique.

I know lots of people hate this map, but I don't understand why. If you let it, this map becomes highly playable. Rush it and you ruin it. It's your call.

User comments:
It's a pretty decent map. Lots of places to expand/relocate. But there is ... - Dantae [more]
All I can say is that Totalkarn was a fuck of a lot better... - Saig
Great layout, textures could be better. - The Pyro
this is a verry good map and itīs fun to play on - Zeke
This map is awesome, but some of the prefabs are hard to move around. - gingerman
Plenty of relocation spots, and human defense is easy to keep up for a change. - Cybernetsam
I really like this map, it's got this way of inducing the phsycological... - Grytviken [more]
Layout is good, but the textures are really crap in some places. Just ha... - Krybosis [more]

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Comment on this review:

Average rating for MorE KarnagE: 6.1/10


Total: 26 ratings
Cube Cube Cube

Comment: Well... the textures all fit perfectly to the theme where they are used. The underground spider's base with it's dark walls to the open, yellow desert.

Cube Cube Cube Cube

Comment: Another great map layout from KarnagE. Loads places to build and to stack to means this is one of those maps which really keep you on the run.

Cube Cube Cube

Comment: There is quite a lot of creative stuff crammed into this map, from the warehouse place with all it's machinery, etc.

Cube Cube Cube

Comment: A good map that provides good gameplay, providing neither side gets rushed to oblivion at the 5mins mark.
This review has been read 2090 times. The Gloom Map Depository is copyright Team GMD. Quake2 is a registered trademark of Id Software. Gloom is copyright Team Reaction. The review script is copyright R1CH.