Another beta from Chamooze | By R1CH - Tuesday, February 29, 2000 |
The highly originally named 'Chagloom_beta' has a new name and a new beta - check out Battle for station Murdine Beta "Battle for station Murdine is currently in Beta, there may still be bugs in the map. If you find something that you do not think was intended to be, please send an email to me, explaining as good as you can what you believe to be wrong, either in text, with a demo or a screenshot." - Give him some feedback at torose at sign |
Bugport missions release... | By R1CH - Sunday, February 27, 2000 |
Sunday the 5th of March at 10pm EST. That's the date and time of Bugport missions and Gloom 1.2b being released! These are some VERY cool missions based on the cool bugport map by Bidmix - check the gloom chat room (use mIRC to connect to in #gloom) or #bugport. Quite how Bidmix does this I'm not sure, he seems to release everything at 3am local time :) -- For more info, check the Bugport website. |
New gfx pak | By Sul - Friday, February 25, 2000 |
Tank has finished another gfx pak. The last one was a blast already I am sure you will love this: Tank's gfx pak 2 |
Their Finest Hour | By R1CH - Tuesday, February 22, 2000 | ||||||
Here's some nice shots of Saig's upcoming map, Their Finest Hour. Originally intended as a remake of Sewer, I think you can see that this map may have a lot more to offer.
New map (beta)... | By R1CH - Thursday, February 17, 2000 |
As Chamooze describes it, "a Pretty small map, human base with a system of caverns beneath." - Get the beta here and go nag your favourite admins to put it in the map cycle, or play it offline and find bugs (after all, it is his first map :) Download Chagloom_beta here (743k), and email feedback to Chamooze. |
A request... | By R1CH - Thursday, February 17, 2000 |
A small request to help me with the upcoming GMD review script. I am not sure of the authors of a few maps without readmes - in particular, gloom2 and gloom4. If you know the author please let me know. But this is mainly a request to mappers: Please include the following information in the readme (and ALWAYS make a readme!! :) - Map name (as shown in Q2) - Map filename (eg, mymap.bsp) - Size in mb of the ZIPped archive - Date of release - Your name, email and web site (if applicable) - Credits to people whose work you have used This simple information shouldn't take long to add, and it greatly helps in archiving and sorting maps which I am now doing. Thanks. |
News Script | By R1CH - Tuesday, February 15, 2000 |
Well this is the first visible change on the GMD - a CGI based News Script allowing us to post news much quicker and without nearly as much hassle. Thanks to the NewsPro team for the script. Just wait for my review script to get finished... :) |
2 New Maps... | By R1CH - Tuesday, February 15, 2000 |
I tried to not break the silence but there are 2 new maps. One is by ProdigyXL and looks extreme nice and well made (GloomXL), the other one is by someone who spent just 3 hours making the map (Rush Hour). Both maps should be really fun. |
GMD is alive! | By R1CH - Tuesday, February 15, 2000 |
We are back, the staff member list changed, the GMD won't die in the near future. We will always have all maps and some nice addon paks as well as important gloom news. For the sake of gloom you should take a look at and vote for gloom on the left bar. Also Bidmix told me that his Bugport missions will be in final beta stage in about 2 weeks. KarnagE and some other mapper should also have some new high quality maps for us so stay tuned for updates. |
Derelict-SE Review by Devilwarrior | By R1CH - Monday, February 7, 2000 |
Finally a new map review. I decided to get up off my ass and review Lifer's 1.2 map Derelict SE. You can check it out over on the side bar. I'll try to get more reviews done in the next week or two, this site needs some updates... |