More on that Gloom All-Star Game... | By R1CH - Monday, June 26, 2000 |
If you have signed up for the Gloom All-Star Game, (hosted right here at the GMD, check your email for your password that will let you vote for players. Good luck! |
MEGA Sound Pack! | By R1CH - Friday, June 23, 2000 |
This latest 3.3mb offering from KrunCh offers a wide variety of sound replacements. Get KrunCh's Sound Pack here (3.3mb) |
Infestation at McKinley Base | By R1CH - Tuesday, June 20, 2000 |
From Jherax (maker of G2SE) comes another lovely Gloom map in the form of Infestation at McKinley Base. Based on the theme found in CTF maps (no, it is NOT a remake of q2ctf1), this looks something special. Here's a screenshot (click for hi-res version): ![]() Coming to a GMD near you soon... In other news, the signup for the Gloom All-Star game has EXPIRED, and player voting will begin soon. In the meantime, check out the GASG website by Gumby, hosted right here at the GMD. |
The Gloom Workshop | By R1CH - Tuesday, June 20, 2000 |
Midknight sent me an email informing me of the Gloom Workshop where he is working on converting existing Q2 gloom maps to Q3. Check out TotalKarn and Gloom: Special Edition for Q3 at The Gloom Workshop! |
FOUR new maps!! | By R1CH - Friday, June 16, 2000 |
Well since I am generally fed up of waiting for the damn mirrors to come back online, I uploaded these 4 maps that have been slowly collecting dust to the GMD directory. The AGONY by Heksu (695k) Base BAC by [2k] (980k) Ochlofobia by Funereal (2.8mb) Crash Landing at Sector 7 Power Station [fixed] by Llurk (740k) Remember, you can also download every Gloom Map at the Onecall FTP. I haven't had a chance to look at most of these, if there are any major problems, I suggest you contact the map author. |
In Other News.... | By Saig - Monday, June 12, 2000 |
Hey Gloomers. This post isnt exactly map fact, its not even GLOOM related. Im just here to inform you of the mod BANG. It was done by R1CH (yea, he works at GMD), and it is a BLAST (no pun intended) to play!! I know R1CH is probably going to flame me for posting useless, Non-Gloom-Related dribble (is that even a word?), but I just felt that the rest of the world needed to know about this great mod. If youre at all interested, jump over to the BANG! homepage and download yourself a copy of what might be the greatest Deathmatch you will ever play. |
Station41 Released! | By R1CH - Monday, June 12, 2000 |
I was planning to upload this map to the PQ cdrom mirrors, but they have been dead for the past week... so here is a link to Fire's Station 41. Screenshots to follow... initial impression of this map seems like this could be a setting for some interesting games. |
Gloom All-Star Game | By R1CH - Saturday, June 10, 2000 |
I know this isn't really map related, but the signup for the Gloom All-Star Game (click here to visit the forum thread for more info) is now live. If you think you want to participate, visit the All-Star Signup Page today! |
Onecall 24 Passworded | By R1CH - Friday, June 9, 2000 |
Hi, Just a quick update to let you know that the Onecall24 player server ( has now been password protected to stop lamers. If you would like the password, email SgtZim with your game name and request to be added to the password list. For more information, visit the forum thread. For those of you who are too lazy/don't know how to use a password, I have made a program that updates your config for you (note: once you have installed the program, download this update patch and overwrite the old .EXE, or it will not work). Enjoy! |
Improved! Name that map competition | By R1CH - Friday, June 9, 2000 | ||||
Lynch_Hung, creator of War of the Species, is making another gloomish map. Pictured below are a few screenshots. Try and come up with a name for this new map, and if you think of the best name, you could feature in the map! These latest screenshots are properly lit this time. Click on any image for a full size 1024x768 screenshot (approx 150-200k .JPG)
Think you can come up with an original name or want some more details? Then go and post on the Team Reaction message board in this thread. Good luck! |
RXN's Gloom Downloads | By R1CH - Tuesday, June 6, 2000 |
Due to the overwhelming amount of e-mail I receive asking for people to send them the gloom files because isn't working (or they don't know what an FTP client is), I have linked to the 1.2 installer on the side bar to the left. Here are some other links for official RXN Gloom files: Gloom 1.2 Full Install Gloom 1.1 -> 1.2 upgrade Gloom 1.2b Win32 Server DLL The much requested Gloom gamespy tab Enjoy. |