G L O O M   M A P P I N G   G U I D E
E N T I T Y   I N F O R M A T I O N

Gloom has one of the widest range of mapping features available for a Q2 mod. You can customize a LOT of stuff with entities. Mission-style maps featuring things such as 'push this button to unlock the door', 'destroy the crates to collapse the ceiling', and 'hit this switch to enable spawns behind enemy lines' style things are very easy to create.

Here is a list of Gloom entities and fields they support: ( C = classes field ; H = hurtflags field )


on_humans_win target_spawner trigger_once
func_button on_tie_game trigger_blocker trigger_multistate_relay
func_explosive target_aliens_win trigger_fog trigger_relay
info_player_deathmatch target_humans_win trigger_gravity trigger_repair
misc_infestation target_blaster trigger_healer trigger_teleport
misc_teleporter target_cloner trigger_hurt_aliens worlspawn
misc_teleporter_dest target_earthquake trigger_hurt_humans .
monster_cocoon target_explosion trigger_multiple .
on_aliens_win target_kill trigger_multiple_count .


triggering this 'health' amount of times within the 'accel' specified interval will cause it to fire its target. useful for a situation such as 'push all the buttons within one minute.' if accel is not specified, it must be triggered however many times at exactly the same time
spawnflag action
2 remove from game once used
field action
target target to fire if successfully triggered
accel time in which you must trigger it (secs)
health number of times it must be triggered within 'accel' interval (default 2)
pathtarget target that will be fired if the func_and is triggered but not triggered again before it 'times out'

standard q2 ent with modifications
spawnflag action
1 button will "pop out" again when targeted (for example you could set 'wait' to 0 to make the button stay in, then when a certain objective is met you can target the func_button to release the button)

some kind of breakable explosive such as glass or something
spawnflag action
1 start off (not visible or damageable)
2 anim. all. (?)
4 anim. all fast. (?)
field action
target target to fire if ent is destroyed
mass amount of debris to throw when destroyed, keep low for lag reasons
health how much damage ent can take before being destroyed

human spawn point
spawnflag action
4 spawn is invulnerable to all damage < 2000 (so players cannot kill it, but a target_explosion could)
8 spawn starts disabled
16 (only applies if spawnflag 8 is set): spawn can take damage when disabled (default no)

This will spawn an infestation similar to an infested body. targeting this will cause it to be removed.
spawnflag action
1 do damage
2 can be killed
4 look like a regular infested body

standard q2 ent, but with the ability to target to turn on/off
spawnflag action
1 start off

standard q2 ent with modifications
spawnflag action
1 makes it invisible and have no bounding box
field action
model model for the destination (if blank the default is used)

alien spawn point
spawnflag action
8 spawn starts disabled
16 (only applies if spawnflag 8 is set): spawn can take damage when disabled (default no)
32 ceiling egg; you must place it below the ceiling by about 16-32 units or so to work

on_humans_win / on_aliens_win / on_tie_game
if one of these entities exists, it will be triggered at the end of the map depending on which team won.

target_aliens_win / target_humans_win
simply target to cause the team to win. used at the end of mission maps when certain objectives have been completed. although a target_kill is much more fun :)

standard q2 ent with modifications
spawnflag action
1 mech shot
2 wraith spit
3 bullet
4 ex shell
5 fire
6 grenade
7 spike
8 drone web
9 rocket
128 doesn't make noise when fired
field action
random set this to a number to randomize the aiming direction slightly; bigger numbers have a larger effect
speed depending on what is fired, this is how fast will move
delay depending on what is fired, this will be the timer before it explodes
dmg depending on what is fired, how much damage to do

this will clone most of the properties of the target, but will "respawn" it (eg if you set a spiker to call the target_cloner when it dies, and have the target_cloner point target to that of the targetname, another spiker will appear but with full health, etc)
field action
target map entity that will be cloned

triggering will cause an earthquake; same as standard q2, with the added ability to knock around non-clients too
spawnflag action
1 this will knock non-clients around a bit too
field action
accel determines how much to knock stuff around horizontally (default 150)

triggering will cause an explosion!; same as standard q2, with the added 'message' field
field action
message uses this as a death message. you can specify the text that appears after the player's name, eg to say 'player fell in the hell pit of death.' when someone called player was killed by this ent, you would set message to 'fell in the hell pit of death.'

quite simply, this entity kills stuff when targeted. keep in mind if you kill all players on a team, they could respawn if you don't kill the spawn points at the same time too. so it might be a good idea to repeatedly use this ent, and also hae a target_x_win as a backup if you plan on making a specific team win for missions
spawnflag action
1 kills all aliens
2 kills all humans
4 kills all eggs
8 kills all teles
field action
message uses this as a death message. you can specify the text that appears after the player's name, eg to say 'player fell in the hell pit of death.' when someone called player was killed by this ent, you would set message to 'fell in the hell pit of death.'

entities created by this will inherit the 'classes', 'spawnflags' and 'hurtflags' of the target_spawner; the object created with the target_spawner has it's 'target' set to the 'pathtarget' of the target_spawner; also checks of the target entity classname is valid at map load time (as opposed to when you use it and find out it's broken)

stops the classes specified by the 'classes' field from going though it (use this sparingly and only when needed, since this breaks client side prediction). target to turn on/off
spawnflag action
1 start off

anyone who walks into this entity will have a blend/fog effect applied to their vision
spawnflag action
2 start off
field action
speed how much red to apply
accel how much green to apply
decel how much blue to apply
mass alpha transparency

anything that enters this entity will have it's gravity changed - including players
spawnflag action
2 start off
field action
gravity gravity relative to the worldspawn gravity

heals aliens much like a large healer (could be used as a healer wall for example). target to turn on/off.
spawnflag action
1 don't give health
2 don't give armor
4 don't give inventory
8 start off
16 don't hurt humans
32 don't send messages to clients
64 don't make noise when touched
field action
count amount of armor to give per interval (default 1)

trigger_hurt_aliens / trigger_hurt_humans
you can use this entity to specify a dead zone for humans or aliens and their buildings, or turn it on during the game to wipe out an original base
spawnflag action
1 start off
2 toggleable
4 don't make hiss noise when doing damage
8 ignore class resistances (does roughly the same damage to every class)
16 only do damage once a second
32 only damage structures
field action
dmg how much damage to do per hit
message uses this as a death message. you can specify the text that appears after the player's name, eg to say 'player fell in the hell pit of death.' when someone called player was killed by this ent, you would set message to 'fell in the hell pit of death.'

trigger_multiple / trigger_once
in addition to supporting the classes field, this has some new stuff
spawnflag action
4 start off
8 only give out frags once
field action
count how many frags to give the person who triggered it
wait how long to wait between multiple triggers
target entity to trigger when self is triggered

use this to fire a target if a certain number of players/structures are in it for a certain amount of time
spawnflag action
1 start off
2 only fire once
4 include human structures in count
8 include spider structures in count
16 ignore clients in count
field action
accel the time for which 'count' players must be touching it before fired
count number of players/structures

trigger_relay with two targets; triggering this will fire the first target. trigger it again and it will fire the second target. trigger it again and it will fire the first again, etc
field action
target target #1 to fire
pathtarget target #2 to fire

triggering this will make it fire it's target. nothing too amazing. gloom adds the ability to give out score and frags to the person who caused it to trigger
spawnflag action
2 only give out frags once
4 only give out score once
field action
count amount of frags to give per trigger
health amount of score to give per trigger
team if set to another trigger_relay's targetname, this will prevent the curent trigger_relay from working until the targetname trigger_relay has been fired

like a repair bay entity for humans; target to turn on/off
spawnflag action
1 start off
2 give armor
4 don't give ammo
8 don't show message
16 silent
field action
wait delay between armor repairs (default .1)
count amount of armor to give per interval (default 1)

acts as a big teleporter supporting random destinations
spawnflag action
1 start off
field action
model model for the destination (if blank the default is used)

standard entity for all maps, with some added gloom fields
field action
nextmap name of the next map to cycle to (should only be used for mission maps)
playmode determine team to automatically win if the leveltimer expires; aliens = 1 , humans = 2
leveltimer how long in minutes before the level automatically ends. should only be used in mission maps
classes determines which classes can't spawn (see later on in guide for more details on classes field)
spawnteam number of spawnteams (see later on about random bases)
message message that appears whilst loading the map (eg map name, author)
sky environment map to use for the skybox
gravity level global gravity (don't use unless you want to create a silly map)
minyaw number of starting build points for humans
maxyaw number of starting build points for aliens
alienstartfrags if someone joins the team within 'pausetime' seconds of the reconnect timer expiring, they will be given a number of frags depending on 'alienstartfrags' or 'humanstartfrags'. Useful for those "novelty" maps. Keep in mind people joining after the timer will not get the frags. If 'pausetime' is 0, the effect lasts all through the game.

All trigger_* and func_* that are triggered by players directly (eg func_door, func_explosive, trigger_multi, etc) support a 'classes' field. In your map editor, open up the entity properties and you should find somewhere to add fields to the entity. The classes field determines which classes can or can't hurt/use the entity. To specify the classes, just add up the numbers of the ones you want:

breeder 65536
hatchling 131072
drone 262144
wraith 1048576
kamikaze 524288
stinger 2097152
guardian 4194304
staker 8388608
engineer 1
grunt 2
shock trooper 4
biotech 16
heavy trooper 8
commando 32
exterminator 64
mech 128




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last updated Sun Sept 02 2001