Gloom Gameplay Info
About Gloom
Gloom is a Quake II modification that blends fast paced action and strategy to create a unique gameplay expierience that will take many years to master. Featuring 16 classes, each with their own unique abilities and tactics, over 300 custom-made Gloom maps and rock solid servers, it's no wonder Gloom is one of the most popular Quake II mods still played today.
This document will help you familiarize yourself with the Gloom gameplay features, classes and some basic strategies. Gloom is a very complex mod and will take quite a while to learn all the class-specific abilities, optimal building locations and many more things you will eventually discover. Don't be put off if it all seems confusing at first and you don't seem to be able to get anywhere, with practice and time you will eventually learn which playing style best suits you or even if a specific class will be something you want to try and master.
About the sides
The teamplay mode of Gloom features two teams: Aliens and Humans. Each side has it's
own set of classes and it's own playing style. The aliens are mostly
short ranged, melee attacks. Most are very quick and have enhanced jumping and
movement abilities. The humans are the masters of technology, and have
a wide array of weapons and explosives at their disposal. They specialize in long
range attacks and are vulnerable up close against aliens.
The goal of each game is to exterminate the other team. To do this, you must
eliminate all the opposing players and all of their spawn spots, so
they cannot respawn. When a side is totally eliminated, the other team
wins. For humans, they spawn from teleporters. Aliens spawn from eggs,
which regrow after an alien emerges. Each side has one class which can
build new spawns, create defenses and possibly repair friendly units.
This class is the engineer for the humans and the Breeder for the
aliens. There is a limit on how many structures you can build in a single game - the number on the
top right side of the screen is how many build points your team has left to build. Some maps have different objectives that need to be fulfilled in order to win, these will usually be explained when you first enter the level at the introduction area.
When you start the game, you will only be able to pick two classes -
the 'builder class' and the 'base class' (engineer, grunt or breeder,
hatchling). Choosing the better classes costs frags. Them more frags
you have, the better classes you will be able to choose. You will not
earn any frags as the Stalker or Mech except for killing an enemy
Stalker/Mech or enemy spawn. Every enemy player you kill otherwise will earn you one frag, regardless of which class either of you are.
New Game Elements
Gloom has taken advantage of the +use key for most classes, so you will
need to bind this to a key (example: bind q +use). All players on the human side have a
flashlight which enables them to see in the dark and track difficult to
see aliens. To toggle the flashlight, use 'cmd flashlight' (example: bind f cmd flashlight). Most human
classes also start with a health pack which will restore up to 80
health. In addition, they have a number of clips and some have grenades
and explosives. All weapons, items, and armor are given on startup
(there are none in the levels), so check your inventory. To restore
your inventory, you will need to get an Engineer to tend to you or find
an ammo depot. Aliens will need to find a healer to restore their inventory.
Essential Binds
The information below refers to the USE, ATTACK and SPECIAL keys. These
must be set by you to whatever your preference. To change your
controls, open the file gloom/autoexec.cfg in a text editor such as Notepad. Example:
bind q "+use"
//This is the USE key.
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
//This is the ATTACK key.
bind 1 "use
primary" //This will use your primary weapon.
bind 2 "use secondary"
//This will use your secondary weapon.
bind v "use
special" //This is the SPECIAL key.
Where appropriate, the key bindings for various items is shown below in
brackets, eg "1 health pack (use health)" would mean to bind a key to
use the health pack, you would write for example:
bind e "use health"
Menu System
Gloom uses a menu for team and class selection as well as building structures. To navigate the menu you will need to bind a key to invprev for moving the cursor up, invnext for moving the cursor down and invuse for selecting the current item. By default, these binds are [ for invprev, ] for invnext and ENTER for invuse.
All human classes have a flashlight (cmd flashlight). Most of the
classes also have one or more health packs, which heal up to 80 health. The humans are probably the easiest team to learn how to play as most of their attacks are ranged weapons fire similar which you will be familiar with from standard deathmatch. Read on for more information about the unique abilities of each class.
0 Frags
Description |
Weak utility unit. Can
armor, restore inventory and build structures. The ATTACK button is
your repair button. When you place a teleporter or turret, you will
need to repair it before it is functional. Detectors and tripwires are
Building things takes build points. This number is listed in the upper
right side of the screen. To get more build points, there might be map
objectives to complete or when a player reaches 10 frags, any
additional frags are converted to build points. However you are usually
limited to however many you start with. When items are destroyed, their
points value is refunded.
The USE button brings up your build menu.
Repair armor: You can also repair marines' armor and give them ammo
with the ATTACK key. A beep will sound when armor repair is complete.
Inventory restoration is instantaneous for most classes.
Can only be
destroyed by a strong attack. This is where humans spawn. 40 build
An automatic defense
turret. 60 build points.
MG Turret
Machinegun turret to
deal out damage to the smaller classes. 40 build points.
A cheap item which
a unique alarm whenever an enemy passes into a radius near it, and
makes the enemy light up. When 'painted', enemies are easier for the
turrets to track and may take additional damage. 20 build points.
Explosive device
which can
be placed on walls or floors. Triggers when an enemy passes through the
laser. Keep in mind only the 'bomb' portion does damage, not the actual
laser itself. 30 build points.
Marines can refill
their inventory by touching this structure. Does not repair armor
though. 60 build points.
Primary Weapon
None, although "poking"
aliens with ATTACK will cause minor damage.
Secondary Weapon
Stats |
75 health and 30 power
armor. |
0 Frags
Standard light attack
unit. The grunt is the backbone of the human team. Costing 0 frags, you
always spawn grunt and with the rapid fire autogun, killing low class
aliens is your primary objective. |
Primary Weapon |
Autogun, 30 rounds per
Secondary Weapon |
Pistol, 13 rounds per clip.
Accessories |
1 health pack (use health).
100 health and 25 light
Shock Trooper
1 Frag
ST is a close quarters combat unit armed with a powerful shotgun. Due
to a protective suit he wears, the ST is immune to infestations, gas
and is more resistant to poison. With the explosive shell clip, the ST
is a threat to even high level alien classes.
Primary Weapon |
Shotgun, 5 shots per clip.
Secondary Weapon |
Pistol, 13 rounds per clip.
Accessories |
1 health pack (use
health), 1 clip of explosive shells (use special), 2 smoke grenades
(cmd grenade).
100 health and 25 light
1 Frag
biotech is a lightly armored medic, providing healing and support to
other classes. The USE key will heal anyone in front of you, restoring
full health and replenishing health packs immediately. If no one is in
front of you, holding USE will heal friendly players around you but is
slower and does not give out health pack refills.
Equipped with IR goggles, the biotech can see alien classes much more
easily and is the only human class able to spot cloaked guardians. A
cloaked guardian will appear as a shadow of red on the ground or wall
immediately around it. To expose it for other humans to see, simply
shoot it or throw a flare.
When the biotech is aiming at an enemy class it will glow, allowing
other humans to see it easier. She is also equipped with a flash
grenade which will shock and disorientate any aliens caught in the
blast. The biotech is able to self-heal automatically over time.
Primary Weapon |
Scattergun, 12 shots.
Secondary Weapon |
Pistol, 13 rounds per clip.
Accessories |
1 health pack (use
health), 1 flash grenade (cmd grenade), 4 flares (use special).
100 health and 30 light
Heavy Trooper
2 Frags
heavy trooper is the artillery of the human team. Armed with a huge
rocket launcher, he is able to destroy structures and aliens with ease.
However the rocket launcher is slow and difficult to fire, requiring
that the HT be crouching and holding ATTACK for 3 beeps until it
launches. During this time the HT is very vulnerable to attack and if
disrupted, the rocket launcher will not fire. Firing from a standing
position, while possible, is not recommended due to the heavy recoil.
Primary Weapon |
Heavy rocket launcher, 3
Secondary Weapon |
Pistol, 13 rounds per clip.
Accessories |
2 health packs (use
180 health and 100 heavy
3 Frags
commando is a silent and deadly attacker. He is able to walk and jump
without a sound and when remaning still, will not show up on alien's IR
vision. With a wide array of weapons, the commando is dangerous threat
if he makes it near the enemy base. Equipped with 2 grenades, these are
used to destroy enemy structures quickly and efficiently.
Planting C4 explosive is possible with the commando. To do this, press
the SPECIAL bind to prime the C4 and again to drop it. C4 takes about 3
seconds to arm and while armed, the commando is unable to fire his
weapon. Be careful though, as if damaged, the commando will drop any C4
he has armed, so make sure you are well clear of the human base before
priming it!
Primary Weapon |
Silenced submachinegun, 50
rounds per clip.
Secondary Weapon |
Magnum BD, 8 rounds per
clip. Able to kill eggs.
Accessories |
2 health packs (use
health), 2 grenades (cmd grenade), C4 explosive (use special).
200 health and 50 medium
4 Frags
armored suit provides the human user with a large range of abilities.
The exterminator is able to use a jetpack by holding JUMP, allowing him
to reach otherwise inaccessible areas. All of the exterminators energy
comes from a cell pack that refills automatically. Using the jetpack
will drain it completely and firing your weapon will slowly deplete it.
If the cell pack is overworked, it will overheat and take 10+ seconds
to cool down, during which you will be unable to shoot or jetjump.
The exterminator is also able to use power armor to augment the suit
armor. This shares the energy of the cell pack, so if you take damage,
you will lose cells. Engaging the power armor will drain 45 cells
immediately and while active, the exterminator cannot use the jetpack.
In dire situations, the exterminator can press the USE key to overload
his weapon and discharge the cell pack in one burst. This powerful
blast is very damaging to aliens and can kill eggs, but it damages the
exterminator and leaves him vulnerable to attack as the cell pack has
to cool for 25 seconds. There is also a risk of permanently damaging
the cell pack from discharging too much.
Primary Weapon |
Laser pulse rifle,
unlimited ammo. The Stinger is immune to the laser due to its cell
Secondary Weapon |
Accessories |
2 health packs (use
health), 4 grenades (cmd grenade).
200 health and 50 medium
5 Frags
mech is a hugely armored killing machine with twin autocannons. Able to
kill aliens and structures with similar ease, the mech will not receive
any frags for any kills except for eggs and stalkers. The main weakness
of the mech is the limited ammo and his huge size makes him an easy
target for alien attacks. However no other class comes close to the
amount of damage a mech can absorb and still keep going.
Due to it's huge size, the mech is unable to jump. Pressing the JUMP
key will instead electrify the hull, zapping any aliens touching you.
Primary Weapon |
Twin autocannon, 150
Secondary Weapon |
Accessories |
120 health and 550 heavy
Specializing in melee attacks, aliens rely on stealth and surprise in
order to kill. Each class tends to have substantially different methods of attacking so be sure you know how to actually use your chosen class before jumping into the game!
0 Frags
breeder is the core of the alien team, responsible for creating and
maintaning a nest with appropriate defense. The USE key will bring up
the build menu. Holding the ATTACK key and running into structures will
allow you to 'nudge' them into position.
Can only be
destroyed by a strong attack. This is where aliens spawn. 40 build
static defense, obstacles are very tough and deal immense damage to any
humans foolish enough to run into them. Very effective for slowing
mechs down. 20 build points.
genetically created to defend the nest. When a foriegn form enters it's
range of perception, it fires a shower of spikes in it's direction.
Very lethal to the lower human classes, but easily killed by grenades
or other explosives. 30 build points.
A blob of genetic
material that replenishes alien health and inventory. Easily killed but
essential for any nest. 50 build points.
tiny plant-like structure that emits clouds of blinding, poisonous gas
to deter the weaker human classes and blind the higher ones.
Primary Ability |
None, can use the 'breeder
nudge' though to do minor damage.
Secondary Ability |
Accessories |
150 health.
0 Frags
small and deadly. The base alien class is easily killed in just one
bullet but has excellent movement and stealth skills. The ATTACK key
will launch a grappling-like thread you can use to hook onto surfaces.
Following and jumping onto unsuspecting humans is the primary method of
attack. Using double jumps the hatchling can attain great speeds
allowing it to cover distances far quicker than humans.
Primary Ability |
Secondary Ability |
Accessories |
20 health.
1 Frag
to jump to extreme heights, the drone is a dangerous 1 frag class. With
the ability to produce sticky spit, the drone can easily immobolize
weaker humans and jump onto their head to finish them off.
Primary Ability |
Melee slash.
Secondary Ability |
Sticky spit (USE key)
Accessories |
100 health, 25 light armor.
1 Frag
sub-species developed from the same genetic strain as the drone, the
wraith has developed wings instead of a thicker armor and leg muscles.
Flying around and spitting acid, the wraith is primarily a support
class to distract and weaken humans. The wraith is unable to kill
teleporters, however the acid spit is effective against all other
To fly, hold down the JUMP key. You will be unable to fly if damaged,
however the wraith regenerates health over time.
Primary Ability |
Melee slash.
Secondary Ability |
Acid spit (USE key)
Accessories |
75 health.
2 Frags
version of the hatchling that boasts an explosive abdomen. Hitting the
USE key will cause you to detonate, causing widespread damage to structures and
humans. However the kamikaze is only slightly less vulnerable than the
hatchling and a few bullets can easily kill it. Beware when near a dead
kamikaze as the body will explode with a weak explosion when shot.
Primary Ability |
Secondary Ability |
Kamikaze explosion (USE
Accessories |
20 health, 5 light armor.
3 Frags
stinger is the alien's primary attack unit. With the ability to breathe
fire combined with a powerul tail slash and resistance to turrets, the
stinger is a good all-round attack unit. Due to its unique cell
structure, the stinger is immune to the exterminator's laser.
Primary Ability |
Breathe fire (10 shots,
auto refilling)
Secondary Ability |
Melee tail slash.
Accessories |
2 gas spores (cmd grenade)
that damage humans and structures (except teleporters).
200 health.
4 Frags
for nest defense, the guardian has two massive claws mounted on it's
back that have a long range and powerful attack. When motionless, the
guardian can bend light in order to make itself invisible to the naked
eye. This light bending technique also allows it to pass through laser
tripwires without setting them off, however the guardian is more
vulnerable to the laser-based weapons of the exterminator and turret.
When invisible, the guardian will regenerate armor.
The guardian can also infest human corpses, implanting an alien
creature that will damage any nearby unprotected humans (USE key). The
USE key can also be used to eat C4 explosive planted by a commando,
saving the nest from destruction. The two spike grenades the guardian
is equipped with will stick to any surface and explode into a shower of
spikes if a human gets too close. These spikes will remain on the
ground for a short period making the area impassable for humans.
Primary Ability |
Dual melee claw attack.
Secondary Ability |
Infest corpses, eat C4
(USE key).
Accessories |
2 spike proxy spores (cmd
200 health, 30 medium
5 Frags
largest of the alien classes, the stalker has a huge ripping claws that
can shred apart armor and structures in seconds. With a strong
carapace, the stalker is the most heavily armored alien and will not get
frags except for killing mechs and teleporters. 20 shoulder-mounted
spikes allow the stalker to attack targets from a distance, a unique
change from the mostly melee attacks of other classes.
Due to the heavy mass, the stalker's legs do not permit it to jump very
high, instead focussing on speed (use the JUMP key repeatedly whilst
moving to gain speed as a stalker)
Primary Ability |
Heavy melee slash.
Secondary Ability |
Shoulder mounted spikes
(USE key), fire in pairs.
Accessories |
3 spike spores (cmd
grenade) that explode into a blast of spikes.
200 health, 250 light
One of the best ways to learn techniques and strategies is to use the observer mode to spectate other players. If you have any other questions, feel free to post on the forums or try asking in-game, but remember that some people are busy playing and may not have time to answer you. Gloom is a challenging and rewarding mod once you begin to get into it, so again, don't be put off if at first you are finding it difficult to get anywhere - just give it some time and practice!